Collection: Tip Toey Joey

Tip Toey Joey was the first to think and create a unique design for baby shoes. Soft, flexible and very comfortable, Tips won over an entire generation of parents and children with their best invention: the system Stretch&Stay™ that hugs (without squeezing!) and doesn't let the shoe come off the little foot.

It worked so well that many brands try to do the same! Inspired by his daughter, the original shoe was created in 2004 by the hands of her father and designer Scott McInerney.

Scott studied little Sofia's foot and created a shoe like no other.

Since then, Originals has continued to evolve and gain many other intelligent features for the natural development of the little foot, without ever losing its functionality and comfort. Sofia grew up, gained a sister and dad Scott continued to be inspired by following the children's evolution with the creation of new families of products that adapt to the characteristics of each stage of development from 0 to 7 years old.

You can see how to measure your baby's foot here